Macroeconomic Modeling Study of ESLC Energy Policy Recommendations

Macroeconomic Modeling Study of ESLC Energy Policy Recommendations

April 15, 2007

Keybridge Research and Inforum conduct macroeconomic modeling analysis of the Energy Security Leadership Council’s proposed policies for reducing oil dependence.

(click for more)

A Methodology for Comparing the Cost-Effectiveness of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Projects

A Methodology for Comparing the Cost-Effectiveness of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Projects

February 15, 2007

A comparative study assessing the relative merits of different approaches to air pollution and congestion mitigation

Related Documents: Keybridge – CMAQ

Pension Smoothing Changes Would Worsen Job Losses in Recessions

Pension Smoothing Changes Would Worsen Job Losses in Recessions

February 15, 2005

Keybridge Research evaluates the potential impact of new pension rules on economic growth and the job market.