Lease Foundation & Keybridge Release U.S. Equipment & Software Investment Momentum Monitor

Lease Foundation & Keybridge Release U.S. Equipment & Software Investment Momentum Monitor

May 14, 2014

The ELFF-Keybridge U.S. Equipment & Software Investment Momentum Monitor consists of indices for 12 vertical markets and are designed to identify turning points in their respective investment cycles with a 3 to 6 month lead time. In addition to their presence in the quarterly Economic Outlook, monthly Momentum Monitors are available to Foundation donors free of charge.

Links: Lease Foundation, Keybridge Momentum Monitors

McDonald’s Announces Selection of Keybridge as the Third-Party Evaluator for its Initiative to Promote Healthier Food and Beverage Choices

McDonald’s Announces Selection of Keybridge as the Third-Party Evaluator for its Initiative to Promote Healthier Food and Beverage Choices

May 6, 2014

McDonald’s has announced the selection of Keybridge LLC to conduct all monitoring and evaluation of commitments that it formed through a partnership with The Alliance for a Healthier Generation.  McDonald’s specific commitments aim to increase customers’ access to fruit and vegetables and help families and children make informed choices in keeping with balanced lifestyles.  Keybridge will monitor McDonald’s implementation of these commitments in 20 major markets representing more than 85 percent of global sales.

Links: Announcement, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Commitments


Keybridge’s Wescott Signals Potential Rebound in Capital Spending

Keybridge’s Wescott Signals Potential Rebound in Capital Spending

April 15, 2014

With capacity utilization at 78.8%, Keybridge’s founder, Dr. Robert F. Wescott, told the Wall Street Journal that U.S. businesses are “within spitting distance of a significant threshold” that could trigger increased capital spending this year.

Links: WSJ

Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation and Keybridge Unveil New Outlook for U.S. Economy and Equipment Investment

Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation and Keybridge Unveil New Outlook for U.S. Economy and Equipment Investment

April 2, 2014

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation and Keybridge published the latest installment of the quarterly “Equipment Leasing & Finance U.S. Economic Outlook.”  Keybridge upwardly revised its prediction to 4.2% growth for equipment and software investment in 2014, with construction machinery, trucking, and industrial equipment leading the way.  The new report features a more detailed breakdown of equipment and software investment, including custom leading indicators for 12 industry verticals.

Links: Global Newswire, Promarket NewsEquipment Leasing & Finance Foundation

Keybridge’s Wescott Explains How the U.S. Natural Gas Boom is Helping Industrial Competitiveness

Keybridge’s Wescott Explains How the U.S. Natural Gas Boom is Helping Industrial Competitiveness

March 25, 2014

In an interview that appeared on March 25, 2014 in Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy’s leading financial newspaper, Dr. Robert Wescott describes how gains in domestic productivity and cheap natural gas is helping to improve American industrial competitiveness.  Wescott notes that although the process is just beginning, there is some “re-shoring” of manufacturing activity from China back to the United States.  He describes moves by companies, such as General Electric, Lenovo, and Google.  He also describes the contributions of increased domestic production of oil is making to the U.S. trade balance.  Compared with 2008, he explains that the U.S. current account deficit is about 0.8 percent of GDP smaller because of the surge in domestic oil production.

Links: Il Sole 24 Ore