Keybridge’s Wescott Explains OPEC Oil Price Dynamics

Keybridge’s Wescott Explains OPEC Oil Price Dynamics

June 10, 2015

In a presentation for SAFE — Securing America’s Future Energy — Dr. Robert F. Wescott presents an analytical framework for understanding OPEC’s oil pricing strategy.  For more information on Keybridge’s latest economic insights, please contact us at

Related Documents: “Dr. Wescott Explains Oil Price Dynamics”


Keybridge’s Wescott Roundtable Talk on Global Economic Outlook at Oxford Analytica’s 30th International Conference

Keybridge’s Wescott Roundtable Talk on Global Economic Outlook at Oxford Analytica’s 30th International Conference

March 25, 2015

Dr. Robert F. Wescott was a headline speaker at Oxford Analytica’s 30th International Conference in Oxford, England. Dr. Wescott discussed the outlook for the global economy in 2014, focusing specifically on QE, the banking sector, Japan, China, and the Euro Peripheral countries. For more information on Keybridge’s latest economic outlook, please contact us at

Related Documents: “Global Economy: Austerity’s End?


Wescott Keynote Speech at Equipment Leasing & Finance Association Annual Convention

Wescott Keynote Speech at Equipment Leasing & Finance Association Annual Convention

October 21, 2013

On October 21 in Orlando, FL, Keybridge President Robert F. Wescott was a keynote speaker at the Equipment Leasing & Finance Association’s 52nd Annual Convention.  Dr. Wescott presented findings from Keybridge’s latest report on the State of the Equipment Finance Industry, in addition to his latest outlook for the U.S. economy and equipment investment.

Related Documents: Keybridge – ELFA Conference – Oct 2013

Wescott Presentation on the U.S. Economy and Political Environment to the Centre for Investor Education

Wescott Presentation on the U.S. Economy and Political Environment to the Centre for Investor Education

March 26, 2012

Keybridge President Robert F. Wescott presented his analysis on economic opportunities and risks as they relate to the U.S. economic and political environment in 2012.  Key topics included an overview of global macroeconomic conditions, the economic headwinds caused by high oil prices, the outlook for U.S. fiscal and monetary policies, and Dr. Wescott’s predictions for a U.S. housing recovery in 2013.

Related Documents: Keybridge – CIE Conference – Mar 2012

Keybridge’s Wescott Presents at Aspen Institute Policy Roundtable

Keybridge’s Wescott Presents at Aspen Institute Policy Roundtable

June 27, 2011

The Aspen Institute Romania invited Keybridge President, Robert F. Wescott, to take part in a roundtable discussion focusing on the causes, evolution, and aftermath of the 2008-09 “Great Recession”.  The purpose of the conference was to identify policies to help both the U.S. and European Union combat the global credit crisis and avoid such occurrences in the future.  As a keynote speaker, Dr. Wescott presented his perspectives on the current global macroeconomic challenges based on his professional expertise, including working to reign in the U.S. fiscal situation during the Clinton Administration in the 1990s.

Related Documents: Keybridge – Aspen Institute – Jun 2011